Your Site Configuration

Yottaa makes your site faster by sequencing and spreading out the loading of third parties. Each site starts with a default configuration, which you can add rules to as you become more familiar with Yottaa.

The Spread Rule

The default configuration starts with a spread rule, which defers the loading of all third parties until after onloadClosed the time it takes for the initial HTML document to load with all stylesheets, images, and subframes. At this point, the page is usually interactive to users. "Onload time" is equal to the high-resolution timestamp returned by the PerformanceNavigationTiming.loadEventEnd property.. The spread rule also spaces out the loading of each third party by about 10 milliseconds, using information from Yottaa's vast third party library to determine the optimal order in which to load them.

The Exceptions

The spread rule allows your customers to start shopping without having to wait for every third party to load. However, there are a few third parties that need to load before onload for your site to function properly. That list includes:

Yottaa automatically excludes these from the Spread Rule and sets them to Load Normally.

This is what a typical rule configuration looks like, with the spread rule and the default exceptions: 

Refining Your Configuration

If you think that Yottaa's sequencing is interfering with the functioning of one of your third parties, you can set it to load normally using the Create Rule slider. However, doing so might slow down your site. If you are unsure whether to create a rule, contact